Monday, December 11, 2006

Moving In

A friend sent along this excellent piece of writing. It has profound meaning! Enjoy and rejoice that the God of Heaven would choose to take up residence in our hearts and lives.

Let the stable still astonish:
Straw-dirt floor, dull eyes,
Dusty flanks of donkeys, oxen;
Crumbling, crooked walls;
No bed to carry that pain,
And then, the child,
Rag-wrapped, laid to cry
In a trough.
Who would have chosen this?
Who would have said: "Yes,
Let the God of all the heavens and earth
Be born here, in this place"?
Who but the same God
Who stands in the darker, fouler rooms
of our hearts and says, "Yes,
let the God of Heaven and Earth
be born here-- in this place."

- Leslie Leyland Fields

We marvel that God incarnate would choose a lowly manger to make His entrance to "our world. The greater "astonishment" should be that He would choose to inhabit frail, broken, marred creatures like us. Yet He did, He does and He will. Amazing grace!

Be encouraged today, dear friends! God did not pass us by when looking for a residence for His Son! In spite of the dirty surroundings, He has "moved in" and we will never be the same again!

- David W. Fisher


Terry said...

Yes and we will never be ALONE again either David!!....Terry

Saija said...

we who have so much ... yet - have nothing without HIM!

Terry said...

Dear David Fisher...Have you moved OUT?....I am going to change your name to B.J.["Brodie Jr."]... ha!!...from Terry...

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