Thursday, March 01, 2007

Be Encouraged

Beloved friends, be encouraged today! I was as I took in the sights in London. There was an unusual and blessed sense of God's presence with me as I made my way around this huge city. God is good and He is an ever present help. Trust Him today, dear friends!

The tombstones at David Livingstone's grave in Westminster Abbey included this phrase, "For 30 years his life was spent in an unwearied effort to evangelize the native races..."

Let's do our part to let the world know of the Father's love.

1 comment:

Terry said...

Good morning David...What a lovely quote by David Livingstone!
You know when he talks about that inwearied effort, he is right. I find if something I THINK I am doing for the Lord makes me downright tired ad even grouchy then I realize that I am NOT doing it for the Lord at all but simply for myself! Pride is such a thorn in my flseh sometimes!!
Where as if I AM doing it for Him then the weariness isn't even noticeable!!

The roads are really bad here today with the icy conditions so I think I will let Betty do my five hour shift today.
Hey I had to stay for her a couple of weeks ago for a 19 hours shift so fair is fair, eh?

Have a prosperous and weariless day David Fisher!!...From Terry

Jel can finally get a letter through my email..Yay!!!
I guess that rare bit of sunshine of ours isn't a virus after all...and need her sunshine we do!!