Friday, November 10, 2006

Backslapping Not Required

Over the years I've learned a few things about encouragement and etiquette, I hope! David Jeremiah in his book, The Power of Encouragement makes the following statement:

"If we wish to be godly encouragers, we will not speak until we have truly listened. We will not deliver pre-packaged answers. We will not pretend to know what we could not possibly know. And we will not point a finger...unless it is to direct our friend to the only true source of encouragement.

Remember, Christian encouragement does not require that we turn into backslapping, positive-attitude pep-talkers. Sometimes all it takes is to listen, to be present, to be quietly supportive. And then, if the right time presents itself, to gently recall that God is good, even when we don't understand. That's often enough. And it's always apt."

from The Power of Encouragement by David Jeremiah, published by Multnomah Publishers, copyright 1997. summarize:

The best ways we can encourage a fellow pilgrim are to:

1. Show up!
2. Be genuine!
3. Listen well!
4. Say little!
5. Touch appropriately!
6. Be gracious!
7. Trust God!

"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the heart of the saints." - Philemon vs. 7 (NIV)


Mrs. Mac said...

I popped on over from your visit at my blog (thru Terry in Canada). I really need to work on #4 in your list ... some days I think I'm too positive (much like Pollyanna) ... always trying to see the best side of people or situations. Often this presents itself without firsthand experience to offer the right direction for depressed souls. I've gotta run out the door ... will stop by another time.

Terry said...

Hey There is my Mrs. Mac!!
My friend!!

Believe it or not David, I have a lot of trouble with number 4 too!!!
I talk too much!....from Terry

Sometimes I have trouble with number 7 too...

jel said...

I havn't read this one let, but I have enjoyed reading his books ,

this is an very encouraging blog,you have here David!

God's blessings on you and your Blog!