Thursday, November 16, 2006

That Still, Small Voice

Over the last fifteen years or so, the most dog-eared, marked-up, highlighted book in my library has been THROUGH THE WILDERNESS OF LONELINESS by Tim Hansel. What incredible insights for those of us who spend a seemingly inordinate amount of our lives on the backside of the desert!

This book has brought encouragement and self-examination to me on countless occasions over the years.

Here's a sample of Hansel's challenging writing:

"We have allowed ourselves to be intoxicated by bigness. We sometimes anticipatge that God can only speak to us through a spectacular event. We fail to realize that most of God's miracles are small, and that He often still chooses to speak to us in a still, small voice.

What is God simply trying to say to you these days? Perhaps He is saying, 'Slow down.' Perhaps He is reminding you that "to obey is better than sacrifice" (1 Samuel 15:22). Perhaps He is gently trying to encourage you with His persistent love. Perhaps He is hoping that you will recall the extent of His forgiveness. Perhaps He is whispering to you in your loneliness...and it is an invitation to a deeper experience with Him.

God is trying to speak to you. Hush. Be still. Listen to Him in the quietness of your own heart. He says, 'Be still and know that I am God.' (Psalm 46:10a)"

Good stuff, eh!

Allow the Lord of Life to draw alongside you today as you stumble towards "home". He longs to walk with you every step of the way.

Be encouraged today, dear friends!


eija said...

Thank you for this one. Thank you.

jel said...

is this book still in print?

Saija said...

i've been up early ... waiting for the sunrise ... and thought i would visit "Barnabus" first thing ... so glad i did ... blessings on you as you minister to others!

Terry said...

Good morning David..I just visited Saija and followed her over here to see how you are doing.

I read this last night and was too ashamed to tell you that I am SO guilty of this...not staying quiet enough so many times and missing out on what the Lord has to say to me.
Thanks so much for the reminder David..from Terry

Saija...I received a lovely sunrise today in the form of an email from Jel..It brought tears to my eyes.

You know what Saija, "The Barnabas Blog" is not only a help to us as we DO stumble along the road but it almost seems like it is a meeting place for all of David Fisher's buddies!![and they are WITHOUT number!]
I feel so welcome here!

Hi Jel and Good morning to you too Eija!!

Hey David you stay humble now. There are STILL only eleven readers and Brodie on the Pilgrim Scribblings!!

You and Carol have a good weekend.